Affiliate Programs How To
Friday, August 29, 2008
Affiliate marketing is a science
Affiliate marketing is a science
It is.
I can say I am good with affiliate marketing, I have some good success on making money online with affiliate marketing, I am more than 3 years in this field with 5 complete websites and some other website that is only a land page to PreSell some affiliate product.
Two of my websites have a good ranking in google and showing in the #1 position for some search terms. I have learned as I can about affiliate marketing and let me notice here that some of the information I get in the hardest way you can get.
In the last months I focused all my efforts in link building and SEO, you know, after you see your website in the #1 position in the SERP for one term you want more and began another SEO campaign. I did very well I can say but the process cost my too much money and also my affiliate earning dropped by more than 50%. And it was too much for me.
I have two mentors in this business, M.G and E.C (I did not get their permission to add their names here so I will go with the initials), E.C has a 7$ million a year business and most of his profits came from Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) commission. In the other hand M.G has more the 18$million a year and growing very fast business, his most money are earned through 2 tier affiliates and MLM, he is the master in MLM.
So what happens to me was my PPS was dropping down and it reached the last month 229$ only while my commission from MLM and 2tier affiliates were the same, I knew then that focusing all your work on one element will hurt your business. Building a residual income with MLM is like building a safty net for me, but I needed the PPS commission to cover my business cost and keep my monthly income as high as I had adjusted to.
So I contacted E.C asking him for some rescue and fast. He replied fast with a very nice e-mail, here is the most important part of it
Here he talked about sending some offers to my list fast but..
"you know that the effect of e-mail marketing is changing and probably most of your subscribers are subscribed with another list, and they are receiving the same offers from you, me and all the other affiliate marketers out there, remember the "Traffic Secrets 2.0" offer.
I have a better solution, find some great products in ClickBank and build an AdWard campaign to sell them, I can give you more details of how to effectively do it but there is a course that will launch very soon in 27th of this month, it really a great course built by Tim Godfrey and Steven Clayton, they had asked me to see it for a testimonial and it is great, Steven knows to much about PPC strategies and tricks, he is the number one in this field with no competition at all.
Until they launch the course go build some PPC campaigns to sell click bank products, and in 27th of the month go to
Download the course and see how easy you can rebuild your PPS up again.
I did and I was shucked totally shucked of the information presented on the course, I know Steven Clayton and I know how crazy he is, I never thought he will share this knowledge, I am a member of his membership site and he always give as pieces of information, trick her and trick their, how to make a 200$ in one hour way. But he never showed as exactly how he build his 2$million business. And here he is giving all his tricks and formulas in one course. Honestly he always over deliver that's Steven. I hope he will stop selling this course soon as he promised, we do not need too much competition over these money making methods.
Now here is what I really want to point out here, no matter what knowledge you have (or you think you have) you need to learn more look for great sources of information related to your business. And more important try to put your knowledge into action this way you will see the deference between knowing and doing. When you know how to do, does not mean you can do.
I know for example how to make a keyword research, with out any tool, but when I saw Steven doing it, step by step, I realized that my information is useless and I was doing it all wrong.
If you want to grow your business you need to find who is the best in this business and learn from him, that i learned from my friend E.C. he know how to build product and how to sell his products, he even has his own e-book about "how to make money with ClickBank". But when I asked him for help he suggested Steven course, not his own e-book, because he want me to learn from the best.
So thank you E.C
Thank you Steven and Tim
And thank you for reading this short report.
I really recommend to go check out this course, but make it fast

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